All information relating to the Hang Seng Tech Index prior to its launch date (2020-7-27) of Hang Seng TECH Index is back-tested, back-tested performance reflects hypothetical historical performance only. Back-tested information is provided by Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited.
Technical Indicators
Ref. Level at 4PM 3,539.65 52-Week High/Low 4,688.69/ 2,984.90 Last 10Days record of
Warrant/CBBC Net Inflow/Outflow
Day Moving Average3663.7 Day Moving Average3775.75 Day Moving Average3590.9
Day RSI43.917 Month(s) Performance-6.8 % Month(s)
Relative Performance to HSI-3.1 %
Last Updated Time: 2024-07-03 13:15  
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