Terms and Data
Intraday Chart Prev. Close
Ref. Level at 4PM 248.80 Market Cap 315.4 (B)
Volume 1.3 (M) Tick Size0.200
52-Week High/Low 212.20/ 336.00 Shares Issued (M)1268
Board Lot (Shares)100 P/E26.5
Cost per Lot ($)25,060.0 P/B6.1
Reported EPS9.374 Dividend Per Share N/A
Dividend Yield (%)3.38  
Technical Indicators
Day Moving Average255.56 Month(s) Performance-8.2 % Month(s)
Relative Performance to HSI-4.5 %
Day Moving Average263.808 Short Selling Ratio†9.8% Southbound Shareholding
Ratio / Value^5.7%/ 18.1 B
Day Moving Average251.038 Last 10Days record of
Southbound Net Buy/Sell
Last 10Days record of
Warrant/CBBC Net Inflow/Outflow
Day RSI31.244 Warrant Call/Put
Outstanding Ratio (%)
CBBC Bull/Bear
Outstanding Ratio (%)
Last Updated Time : 2024-07-03 11:30 (15 mins delayed)   |   (Delayed*) - Minimum 15 mins delayed   |   (Short Sell Data†) - Updated at noon and after the market close on trading day   |   (Southbound Shareholding Ratio ^) – Data reflects the Southbound holdings as of 2 business days before (T-2)
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