Terms and Data
Intraday Chart Close
Strike500.5 Moneyness13% OTM
Effective Gearing* 6.7 Delta* 38%
Implied Volatility34.0% Vega4.7%
Entitlement Ratio100 Outstanding Quantity
(M Shares) / %0.2/ 0.1%
Theta-0.7% Premium (%)18.6
Break-Even (HKD)525.3
Listing 2024-07-03
Today 2024-09-27
Last Trading 2025-03-20
Maturity 2025-03-26
Last Trade Date (Y-M-DD)2025-03-20 Board Lot (Shares)10,000
Approximate Change for
1 Tick Price Change of warrants* 0.2
Listing 2024-07-03
Today 2024-09-27
Last Trading 2025-03-20
Maturity 2025-03-26
*Effective Gearing and Delta are derived from the proprietary pricing model of J.P. Morgan.
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0700 TENCENT(Delayed*)
Change (%)
+9.600 (+2.2%)
  • High 444.80
  • Low 432.60
  • Turnover 12.0 (B)
Warrant Money Flow of Underlying More
Last Day
5 Days
  • Money In-Flow
  • Money Out-Flow
Last Updated Time : 2024-09-27 11:40   |   (Delayed*) - Minimum 15 mins delayed
  • 2024-09-25 【資金流向】騰訊升抵400元關 好倉錄近7千萬淨流入 騰訊購 26005/沽 26304
  • 2024-09-05 【資金流向】騰訊逼近100天線(現處約367.8元) 好倉上日淨流入約1300萬 騰訊購 25613/沽 24965
  • 2024-08-29 【資金流向】騰訊上日失380元關下試50天線支持 好倉淨流入約1200萬 騰訊購 25613/沽 24965